Palm Tree Identification

There are over 2600 species of palm tree that mostly thrive in tropical and subtropical climates. Historically, it has been the symbol of tranquillity, triumph and fertility. In modern times, it is very useful in the food industry and plays a major role in landscaping.

Palm trees grow in a straight and upward position. They can grow anywhere from five to ten feet high. Trunks are brown in colour that may vary depending on the type of palm tree. It can have red, orange or greenish hues.

You would not see a branch hanging on a palm tree because they actually have an unbranched stem. They also have one variation that exhibits vine-like growth, although this is very infrequent.

Palm tree leaves are either shaped in a form of a fan (palmate) or a feather (pinnate). These leaves come with tubular sheath and as a palm tree matures, the tubing eventually splits open. A leaf can be as long as two to four fee in length. One can also observe the existence of inflorescence, a spike surrounded by bracts, that eventually turn woody when palm trees age.

Palm trees produce small flowers. They usually have white petals that are joined at the base of the flower. The stamen of a palm tree has filament that may be attached or away from each other and sometimes attached to its pistil at the base of a flower.

The fruit of a palm tree is a dupe with a single seed. Sometimes, although rare, there are palm trees that can produce two-seeded fruits. A coconut, a type of palm tree, is brown and circular in shape. Once opened, they may contain coconut, which is safe for drinking and is a famous tropical drink. Palm tree fruits also have husk that is actually the fibre (coir) of the fruit’s inner stone (endocarp). Some palm tree species, like Areca nuts, are tangy and tart which is often chewed with other kinds of leaves or herbs.

Almost all parts of a palm tree are useful. In the Philippines, the coconut palm is often referred to as the tree of life because literally all of its tree components, even its roots, has a practical use.

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