How to Identify the Common Black Walnut Tree

Take a good look at the leaves.

Take a good look at the leaves.

Walnut leaves are compound, deciduous and alternate. They have 14-24 leaflets (on average), each 12-15 cm long, oblong with toothed edges. They are green on top and the underside is a lighter green.

Examine the growing pattern.

Examine the growing pattern. Black walnut trees can grow to be very tall, but they have a smaller canopy than their cousins the white walnut and butternut. They are more narrow and generally develop a pyramid-like shape as they age. The black walnut grows at least 50 feet in height, which is taller than most other trees in its native habitat.

Feel for the bark.

Feel the bark. Black walnut bark is ridged, grey-black in color, and thick. Black walnut trees are often used as ornamental trees in parks and gardens. When they grow in the wild, they have a more rugged appearance than when they are used as ornamental landscaping items.

Look for the husk.

When the walnut is young, the husk is green and soft. At maturity, it is dark and hard. Most of the time they are covered in a white sticky substance that will stain your hands and clothes if you touch it. If you can find a black walnut tree in someone’s yard, look at how many shells are on the ground around it. That can give you an idea of how old the tree is since it takes about 10-18 years for a black walnut to produce nuts.

Take into account the climate you’re in.

Black walnut trees grow best in climates with long, hot summers and cool, wet winters. If you are in a hot area of the country, black walnut trees are likely to be found in river valleys or slopes with an easterly exposure where they can take advantage of the additional moisture from morning fog. In cold areas of the country, these trees like north-facing slopes for protection against harsh winds and temperature extremes.

Don’t ignore black walnut trees in containers or in urban settings.

The black walnut tree can adapt to living in urban settings, and it is sometimes planted on streets or in people’s yards. The tree can also grow indoors, so don’t ignore a black walnut tree just because you see it growing in someone’s house!

There are 2-4 million black walnut trees in the United States and you can identify them by looking at the leaves, bark, and husks.

The black walnut tree is native to North America, and is one of the most important nut-producing trees in North America. Black walnuts provide wood that is valuable for lumber, furniture and other uses.

Black walnut trees are hardwood trees. They are deciduous, meaning they lose their leaves in the fall, and then grow new leaves each spring. They are monoecious – male and female flowers on the same tree. The black walnut is a medium-sized tree with a dark deciduous leaf and edible nuts.

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